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Episdoe #84
Bourbon Community Roundtable

- Today’s Roundtable will take a deeper look into a trend I’ve been noticing and trying to figure out why, as influencers and a community, people keep talking about bottom shelf bourbon like it’s something special. If you are in this hobby, most of us would give it a C rating and consider anything in the sub $20 or $25 category as average. Why do we keep doing this?

- Who are we trying to convince to drink these bourbons? The people that listen to this show, pay attention to blogs or YouTube’rs, or take whiskey seriously probably aren’t buying $20 bottles and don’t drink just average whiskey. I feel it’s time to elevate the discussion and kill the bottom shelf promotion.

- If they aren’t average bourbons, then let’s figure out why and talk about criteria to be considered average.

- If it is a game of dollars, then is it a race to the bottom for the big 6 and why should this audience care if it’s just average whiskey?

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Episode #99

-The Rise of Celebrity Whiskeys
-Crafting Celebrity Spirits: The Business Models
-Consumer Perception: The Connection Between Celebrity and Product

About Bourbon Community Roundtable
Every month Breaking Bourbon, Bourbonr/Seelbachs, Fred Minnick, Sipp'n Corn, and Bourbon Community Roundtable's hosts Bourbon Pursuit, come together to discuss the latest happenings in the world of bourbon.
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Episdoe #84
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