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Episdoe #81
Bourbon Community Roundtable

- A few weeks ago, it was announced that Penelope would be acquired by MGP, but notably its subsidiary Luxco for $215M. We all know this is a great move for the brand, but I posed a question to the group that intrigued me and that is if we will see more MGP brands be purchased as a result? I also follow it up with other powerhouse contract distillers and if we can see them copycat this acquisition in hopes of taking a brand to a new level.

-That quickly transitioned into the idea that brands can come out of nowhere. One of the most famous, or infamous, brands of all time was Ezra Brooks. A brand that was created out of thin air. Since consumers know more now than they ever have before, could we see another Ezra Brooks emerge in our lifetime?

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Episode #99

-The Rise of Celebrity Whiskeys
-Crafting Celebrity Spirits: The Business Models
-Consumer Perception: The Connection Between Celebrity and Product

About Bourbon Community Roundtable
Every month Breaking Bourbon, Bourbonr/Seelbachs, Fred Minnick, Sipp'n Corn, and Bourbon Community Roundtable's hosts Bourbon Pursuit, come together to discuss the latest happenings in the world of bourbon.
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Episdoe #81
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