
Seelbach’s Private Reserve Straight Bourbon Finished in Triple Sec and Sparkling Wine Barrels


Classification: Straight Bourbon Finished in Triple Sec and Sparkling Wine Barrels

Company: Seelbach’s

Distillery: Sourced from an Undisclosed Distillery in Bardstown, Kentucky

Release Date: October 2022

Proof: 118

Age: Blend of 4 year, 9 month & 15 year old bourbons

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Mahogany

MSRP: $140 (2022)

Official Website


Orange marmalade | White grape | Caramel | Vanilla wafer | Rice pudding | Sweet & unique


Orange marmalade | White grape | Salt water taffy | Oak | Sweetness grows stronger over time | To the point flavor profile


Spice | Cinnamon | Oak | A fleeting sweet orange aftertaste | Proof most noticeable on finish


Seelbach’s Private Reserve Batch 3 is proof not to ever let an unproven and potentially crazy idea deter you. It may have unexpected and electrifying results.

As Blake Riber purveyor of Seelbach’s likes to say, “Seelbach’s brings you the barrel finishes no one asks for or knew they wanted.” it's a statement that hits the nail squarely on its head regarding their latest release. The idea for Batch 3 of Seelbach’s Private Reserve came from the company’s namesake. Based off of the Seelbach cocktail, which includes Kentucky bourbon, Triple Sec bitters, and topped off with Champagne, is a flat out batty idea for a finished bourbon. Yet it's hard not to appreciate such a creative concept in a space that is seemingly running out of them.  

The first sip of Batch 3 will be the most disorienting part of your time with it. It will be unfamiliar and even a bit confusing. It’s unique but not so far out there it feels foreign. The flavors will be familiar, but the conjoining of them will be what sets off your “spidey sense.” Triple Sec is an orange based liqueur and while orange is certainly present throughout, it is kept in check at all times. The sparkling wine aspect adds an additional layer of sweetness, providing depth in the form of white grape. The base bourbon blend provides structure throughout, but comes roaring out during the finish with strong spice and oak components. A total of 16% of the blend is 15 year-old-bourbon which does its job grounding this whiskey.

As you sip and become more familiar with what this whiskey is offering, it begins to really hit its stride. The palate’s sweetness is instantly cut by the finish creating a dynamic pour. Given the work that must have gone into sourcing Triple Sec and sparkling wine barrels, it's somewhat unlikely to be reproduced by other producers, and depending on consumers' appetite for such an adventitious product, we’ll see if Seelbach does either. The price is high for such an unproven concept, but I’d have to think it was due to the sourcing of the barrels and the decision to include 15-year-old bourbon in its blend. Regardless, Seelbach’s Private Reserve Straight Bourbon Finished in Triple Sec and Sparkling Wine Barrels is an immensely fun sip and above all else, shows that thinking outside of the box can have surprising results.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Eric Hasman

November 15, 2022
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Seelbach’s Private Reserve Straight Bourbon Finished in Triple Sec and Sparkling Wine Barrels
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