
Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch #12


Classification: Straight Bourbon

Company: Stoli Group

Distillery: Sourced from an undisclosed Kentucky distillery(ies)

Release Date: November 2022

Proof: 115.8

Age: NAS (Company states blend of 4 and 7-14 year old bourbons)

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Copper

MSRP: $400 (2023)

Official Website


Aged leather | Smoked oak chips | Butterbeer | Touch of caramel | Light brown sugar | White peppercorn | Pleasing opening


Rye spice | Dry aged oak | Peppercorn spice mix | Caramel sweetness | Light brown sugar | Good mix of spicy & sweet | Classic bourbon notes


Bold spice | Light leather | Touch of brown sugar | Light whipped cream | Lingering light heat


Even though it carries an exorbitant price tag, it’s hard to deny that Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch #12 delivers a quintessential classic sip that won’t disappoint those who pay its asking price.

In 2014, Kentucky Owl started releasing their bourbon batch blends which were originally brought to market by Dixon Dedman. The brand was acquired by the Stoli Group in 2017, and Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch #12 is the latest batch by Master Blender John Rhea. According to the press release, Rhea blended 7- to 14-year-old bourbons with two different 4-year-old bourbons to create Batch #12.

Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch #12 is a quintessential bourbon through and through. The sip kicks off with a great combination of scents that balances sweetness with more grounded aromas that draw you in. The midpoint contains classic well-defined flavors that are nicely enhanced by the bourbon’s higher proof, but never feel overpowering. While the finish doesn’t quite live up to the nose and palate, it still delivers a satisfying ending to the sip. Past batches of Kentucky Owl bourbon have carried high price tags, and Batch #12 continues that trend. There’s no denying that $400 is incredibly high for a blended bourbon that doesn’t disclose the mashbill or blend percentages of the bourbons being used, which is even more noteworthy as there is an undisclosed amount of 4-year-old bourbon in the blend. However, looking past the exorbitant asking price. Kentucky Owl Batch #12 delivers where it counts: its taste, and will please most who try it.

The bottle being reviewed was bottled on 08/22.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Jordan Moskal

January 17, 2023
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Kentucky Owl Bourbon Batch #12
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