
Boulder Spirits American Single Malt Whiskey


Classification: American Single Malt

Company: Boulder Spirits

Distillery: Vapor Distillery

Release Date: Ongoing

Proof: 92

Age: 2 Years (Website states 3 years)

Mashbill: 100% Malted Barley

Color: Rust

MSRP: $60 (2021)

Official Website


Peach | Cherry | Raspberry | Plum | Grape | Rustic malt


Apricot | Malt | Almond | Light vanilla | Mild oak | Crisp


Toasted cereal grain | Fig | Hazelnut | Mild oak | Simple but effective


Colorado has certainly seen a modern day gold rush of whiskey distilleries. Boulder Spirits distilled at Vapor Distillery in Boulder, Colorado, is first to admit they’re a small distillery, but make up for it with the largest pot still in the state. Their single malt, like you often see with American single malt whiskeys, is aged in new American oak, putting the whiskey distillate front and center and not a second used barrel. This is on display as Boulder Spirits American Single Malt Whiskey is a clean and crisp malt with delicate fruit and floral notes. However, its age keeps from reaching greater heights as it’s lacking overt complexity, and I would like to see additional time in the barrel to develop its depth and texture a bit more. In its current state, it's a snappy malt that is a solid sip, but I hope it has more to offer in the future.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Eric Hasman

May 26, 2021
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Boulder Spirits American Single Malt Whiskey
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