
Barrell Bourbon New Year 2024


Classification: Blend of Straight Bourbons

Company: Barrell Craft Spirits

Distillery: Sourced from undisclosed distilleries in KY, IN, TN, OH, WY, TX, MD, and NY

Release Date: December 2023

Proof: 113

Age: Undisclosed blend of bourbons ranging from 5 - 15 years old:

-Kentucky: 8 years old
-Wyoming: 11 years old
-New York: 5 years old
-Tennessee: 8 & 15 years old
-Indiana: 5, 6 & 9 years old
-Texas: 5 years old
-Ohio: 5 years old
-Maryland: 5 & 6 years old

Mashbill: 72% Corn, 22% Rye, 5% Malted Barley, 1% Wheat (Derived from the blend)

Color: Bright Amber

MSRP: $85 / 750mL (2024)

Official Website


Caramel | Kettle corn | Toffee | Nougat | Stewed dark red fruit | Buttered cornbread | Slight punchiness


Caramel chews | Toasted oak | S’mores | Vanilla custard | Red fruit | Sweet tea | Smooth & creamy mouthfeel


Baking spices up front | Raw sugar | Red raspberry | Well-constructed | Long & delicious


Combining 12 bourbons from 8 states ranging in age from 5 to 15 years old, Barrell Bourbon New Year 2024 showcases how a wide variety of bourbons can come together to form a well-constructed blend that’s entirely its own.

Each year, Barrell Craft Spirits creates a unique one-off blend that is bottled as their New Year edition. According to the company, “Our 2024 edition of New Year Bourbon contains the largest selection of states and bourbons in a single release in 2023. By creating this blend, we look to celebrate some of the most exciting bourbon being distilled across the US.

New Year 2024 combines bourbons that originate from the same eight states as New Year 2023, however, the age range is expanded from 2023’s 5-10 year blend to 2024’s 5-15 year blend. Barrell Craft Spirits also started providing a derived mashbill for many of their releases beginning in 2023, so we are able to see there is a small percentage of wheat in 2024’s edition (undisclosed for 2023’s New Year release, though it is possibly included as well). While 2023 showcased a cohesive blend, 2024’s edition is ever-so-slightly better constructed. The bourbon rests on a familiar base of caramel and baking spices, but layers in a range of additional flavors seamlessly including notable toffee, vanilla custard, and pervasive red fruit notes. Some might be surprised by the fact that the combination of such a range of bourbons from regions across the country does not produce an overtly unique tasting end result in this case, but at the same time, it isn’t quite like anything else on the market either. The result is a bourbon with ample depth and complexity, and one that is also highly drinkable even at its barrel proof 113 proof point.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Nick Beiter

January 1, 2024
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