
Barrell Bourbon Batch 027


Classification: Blend of Straight Bourbons

Company: Barrell Craft Spirits

Distillery: Sourced (from undisclosed distilleries in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana)

Release Date: February 2021

Proof: 115.7

Age: 5 Years (blend of 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, and 15 year old barrels per company website)

Mashbill: Undisclosed

Color: Deep Amber

MSRP: $90 (2021)

Official Website


Cherry | Apricot | Blood Orange | Moss | Oak | Quite expressive


Cherry | Skittles | Fruit cup | Raisins | Fig | Sweet & fruity


Pepper | Light tobacco | Sugary oak | Walnut | Lingering toasted oak aftertaste | Slight buttery mouthfeel


Barrell Craft Spirits comes out in 2021 with what is bound to be a fan favorite. Batch 027 is what many love about Barrell Bourbon: a bright, sweet, and fruit-fueled flavor bomb. Dominated by cherry and backed up further with lush summer fruits, many will enjoy every sip of this batch. It’s sweet through and through, and even when the bourbon tries to ground itself with oak, raisin, and fig notes, they are no match for the sweeter ones. It’s only on the finish that light tobacco, pepper, and walnut come through in any meaningful way to ground it. If I had to theorize, the fruitiness is coming from the Tennessee stock, with the Kentucky bourbon doing what it can to ground the bourbon and the Indiana bourbon adding some brightness to the overall package. Batch 027 follows the two preceding batches with yet another crowd-pleasing blend.

The sample used for this review was provided to us at no cost courtesy its respective company. We thank them for allowing us to review it with no strings attached.
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Written By: Eric Hasman

March 25, 2021
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Barrell Bourbon Batch 027
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