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Episode #21
Bourbon Community Roundtable

- Thanks to Blake from, Jordan from Breaking Bourbon, and Maxx from Superfly Bourbon Club for joining this week.

- Max recently spent his bachelor party trip in bourbon country, tell us about it.

- Why aren't there apps? It works for beer and wine, but why not bourbon? Apps like BeerAdvocate, Untappd, Vivino work but bourbon is tough with Distiller and Barreled

- Is there a false sense of scarcity with Henry McKenna?

- Are distributors starting games again?

- Why isn't hoarding or buying multiple cases of Henry McKenna a good thing?

- Are spirits competitions getting too much recognition?

- Are decanters coming back in style?

- Are we rolling back to the 70s?- Can this be a collectors item?

- Bob Dylan released his line of whiskey. Is this the start of celebs getting into the game?

Bourbon Community Roundtable logo
Episode #99

-The Rise of Celebrity Whiskeys
-Crafting Celebrity Spirits: The Business Models
-Consumer Perception: The Connection Between Celebrity and Product

About Bourbon Community Roundtable
Every month Breaking Bourbon, Bourbonr/Seelbachs, Fred Minnick, Sipp'n Corn, and Bourbon Community Roundtable's hosts Bourbon Pursuit, come together to discuss the latest happenings in the world of bourbon.
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Episode #21
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