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Episode #17
Bourbon Community Roundtable

- We picked our first barrel together. Let's talk about the process a bit more.

- Everyone has a different strategy

- Blake can you give your tasting notes on it

- Video will be posted on in the future

- Everyone passed on barrel #6 but someone will eventually take that barrel. Or do you think that goes to stores who don't select and ask the Master Distiller to pick on for them?

- Wade Woodard who has started his new blog Tater Talk had an article called Diageo done screwed up. He talked about the Crown Royal Bourbon Mashbill release we discussed in the roundtable. Wade is a consumer advocate and whiskey law sleuth and discovered they are in violation. Can you take any guesses to what this product will be called after the 1 year period is over?

- Why are consumers still the ones doing all the legal hurdles? Does the TTB not care? Does it really matter at the end of the day since it's not a real crime?

- OKI announced the end of their line with a bunch of 12 year barrels being dumped soon but people are cleaning out shelves. In addition, the standard Old Scout is being cleared too. Not even store picks. Is there a panic mode being set in right now?

- People are continually complaining about finding Blanton's. Is it just me or does regular Blanton’s not do it for you all anymore?

- Is Buffalo Trace manufacturing demand?

- Thanks to Blake from, Nick and Jordan from, and Brian Harra from

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Episode #99

-The Rise of Celebrity Whiskeys
-Crafting Celebrity Spirits: The Business Models
-Consumer Perception: The Connection Between Celebrity and Product

About Bourbon Community Roundtable
Every month Breaking Bourbon, Bourbonr/Seelbachs, Fred Minnick, Sipp'n Corn, and Bourbon Community Roundtable's hosts Bourbon Pursuit, come together to discuss the latest happenings in the world of bourbon.
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Episode #17
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